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- John Dewey -

“We do not learn from experience... we learn from reflecting on experience.”

Resources for Inquiry

This page provides a resources to support and facilitate inquiry-based learning in the classroom and library.

Online Videos:

This video is an excellent resource for students who are struggling to complete inquiry investigations, or big projects or assignments.



Parker, J. (2016, August 30). Finished Not Perfect [Video File]. Retrieved from 

 The Ontario Science Centre made a series of videos on what inquiry-based learning is and how to implement inquiry in your classroom:


How To Get Into Inquiry-Based Learning: Part 1 – First Steps to Inquiry

How To Get Into Inquiry-Based Learning: 

Part 2 – Working Towards Open Inquiry

How To Get Into Inquiry-Based Learning: Part 3 – 5 Skills to Become an Inquiry Teacher

How To Get Into Inquiry-Based Learning: Part 4 – 4 Student Inquiry Skills to Nurture and Assess

More recommended online videos about inquiry-based learning:



Focus on Inquiry.jpg

Click on the image to go to this online book - an excellent resource for learning about and implementing inquiry-based learning.


Friesen, S., Saar, C., Park, A., Marcotte, C., Hamphire, T., Martin, B., Brown, B., & Martin, J. (2015). Focus on Inquiry. Galileo Education Network. Retrieved from

One particular section (of many) in this resource to highlight is the research section on assessment. The research cited is excellent and there are specific recommendations for teaching.


Scroll through the embedded page to the right, or follow this url to the actual site:

edutopia - inquiry.jpg

Click on the image to the left or the url below for inquiry-based learning resources from Edutopia. 


edutopia - inquiry 2.jpg

Click on the image to the left or the url below for information and research about inquiry-based learning from Edutopia. 



Click on the image to the left or the url below for information and research about inquiry-based learning from Edutopia. 




Mackenzie, T., & Bathurst-Hunt, R. (2016). Dive into Inquiry [images]. Retrieved from


free inquiry proposal.png
inquiry model - kath murdoch.jpg


Murdock, K. (2019). A model for designing a journey of inquiry [image]. Retrieved from




Alvarado, A. E., & Herr, P. R. (2003). Inquiry-based learning using everyday objects. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin.


Harada, V. H., & Yoshina, J. M. (2010). Assessing for learning: Librarians and teachers as partners (2nd ed.). Santa Barbara, CA: Libraries Unlimited.


Harvey, S., & Daniels, H. (2015). Comprehension and collaboration: Inquiry circles for curiosity, engagement and understanding. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.

Kuhlthau, C. C., Maniotes, L. K., & Caspari, A. K. (2007). Guided inquiry: Learning in the 21st century. Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.


MacKenzie, T. (2016). Dive into inquiry: amplify learning and empower student voice. Irvine, CA: EdTechTeam Press.


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guided inquiry.png

Articles and Documents:


Barron, B. and Darling-Hammond, L. (2008). Teaching for meaningful learning: A review of research on inquiry-based and cooperative learning. In L. Darling-Hammond, B. Barron, P. D. Pearson, A. H. Schoenfeld, E. K. Stage, T. D. Zimmerman, G. N. Cervetti, and J. Tilson, Powerful learning: What we know about teaching for understanding. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass. Retrieved from 


Branch, J. L. (2004). Understanding and assessing inquiry based learning. In S. LaMarca & M. Manning (Eds.), Reality bytes: Information literacy for independent learning  (pp. 99-113). Carlton, Australia: School Library Association of Victoria.


Ekdahl, M., Farquharson, M., Robinson, J., & Turner, L. (2010). The points of inquiry: A framework for information literacy and the 21st century learner. Vancouver, BC: British Columbia Teacher-Librarians' Association. Retrieved from


Fontichiaro, K. (2009). Nudging toward inquiry: Re-envisioning existing research projects. School Library Monthly, 26(1), 17-19. Retrieved from


Kuhlthau, C. (2009). Guided Inquiry: Learning in the 21st Century. Paper presented at 38 IASL Conference, Padova, Italy, Sept. 2-4, 2009. Retrieved from 


Kuhlthau, C., Maniotes, L., & Caspari, A. (2012) Guided Inquiry Design Framework. Retrieved from


Ontario Ministry of Education. (2013). Capacity building series: Inquiry-based learning. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Author. Retrieved from

Ideas and Suggestions: 


  • Using teacher discretion, sometimes it might be helpful to have students only properly cite their top 4 resources, and leave the rest as a url list. Otherwise, a major inquiry could result in a massive job to properly cite everything, and this can disincentivise collecting numerous resources or citing sources properly. Sometimes a full and proper reference list is necessary, when that is one of the learning outcomes, but it need not be the outcome every time.


  • "Tips for Teachers" boxes throughout Focus on Inquiry (Alberta Learning, 2004), such as:

    • "Tips for Teachers: Building a Culture of Inquiry

      • Approach inquiry with enthusiasm and excitement.

      • Admit that inquiry involves the unexpected for you and for students.

      • Model the inquiry process in your instruction (show as well as tell).

      • Use the language of inquiry.

      • Post the Inquiry Model (see p. 10) in your classroom and the school library.

      • Facilitate the process—discuss, clarify, support and monitor.

      • Evaluate the process (and make it really count).

      • Use technology to do what would be impossible otherwise.

      • Set a specific time for inquiry-based learning.​" (p. 5)

    • "Tips for Teachers: Building for Student Success

      • For those students with little or no background knowledge of a topic, teachers must provide information and background that motivate students. Students need past experience and knowledge of a topic in order to do productive inquiry (Jonassen, 2000)" (p. 11).


Provincial Inquiry Documents


Alberta Focus on Inquiry:


British Columbia Teacher-Librarian's Association - The Points of Inquiry:


Saskatchewan Inquiry Based Learning:


Manitoba Inquiry on Learning:


Ontario Inquiry Learning:



The Learning


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